Student Art
Academics » Course Catalog

Course Catalog

CVA has a fall and a spring enrollment period. Enrollment is available to all students who meet eligibility requirements. Students attending CVA commit to this model by the semester (two nine weeks grading periods for grades 6-12).

General Information

  • Middle school students may take up to 6 courses each fall and spring enrollment period for free.

  • High school students may take up to 7 courses each fall and spring enrollment period for free.

  • Students are required to participate in state testing as well as course final exam testing at school during designated time periods.

  • Students must adhere to all district policies regarding attendance, student conduct, and graduation requirements.

  • Students graduating from high school through the CVA will receive a diploma from their zoned high school of Evans, Greenbrier, Grovetown, Harlem, or Lakeside.

  • Students with a 504 Plan or Individual Education Plan (IEP) will be provided appropriate accommodations.

  • If a student with disabilities is seeking enrollment in the CVA, he/she must be pursuing a regular course of study/high school diploma and be recommended by the IEP team. The team must have documentation and a rationale as to why it believes that the student can be successful with minimal education support.

High School Courses Offered

All core courses taught including Advanced Placement core classes & electives will be determined by student registration. For some courses, if a minimal number of students do not enroll, CVA may be able to help the student enroll in a Georgia Virtual Course instead.

Elective courses that require heavy labs such as automotive, welding, culinary, and construction will not be offered at the CVA.

Middle School Courses Offered

All core courses including gifted will be offered.

Most connections courses will be taught over one semester:

  • PE/Health (1 year course for HS credit) (8th Grade)

  • Fine Arts (Visual Art, General Music, and Guitar)

  • Spanish (6th and 7th grades)

  • Fundamentals of Computer (7th Grade)
  • Foreign Language (taken over two semesters for one full high school credit) include Spanish. Other languages for high school credit may be available via GA Virtual School. (8th Grade)

Part-Time Enrollment

  • CVA courses offer the flexibility for students to work at home full- or part-time. If a student chooses to take a part-time schedule of CVA courses and a part-time schedule of in-person classes, the student may be allowed to work on the CVA courses at his/her zoned school during the normal school day if space and supervision are available. Students wanting this opportunity need to communicate with their guidance counselor to discuss the options.

  • Transportation to and from zoned schools is only provided in morning and afternoon routes. CVA students wanting to attend in-person classes will need their own transportation.

  • Regardless of the number of courses a student takes at CVA, the student will remain a student of their zoned-school.

Because there has to be a minimum number of students enrolled in a course for it to be offered, there is no guarantee all courses will "make" until registration is complete. Courses that do not make may be available via Georgia Virtual School.